Welcome to our online factory. We offer all kinds of latest products and are mainly shipped via Express Mail Service. Only several days delivery. Please make sure your recipient name, shipping address and telephone number correct, otherwise we are not responsible for your lost shipment.
Cancel Order Policy
If you want to cancel your order, please contact our customer service after you order within 6 hours, before item(s) are shipped out. So sorry that we cant cancel order when package is on way. Thank you for your understand. If you insist to cancel your order, please observe our return policy.
Return Policy
If you want to return your item(s), please contact our customer service team within three days when you received them. Please provide your name and order email when contacting our customer service. All return items must keep their original condition, they most not worn, altered or washed, with all tags attached. And you have to pay restocking fee, shipping fee and handling fee.
Exchange Policy
Please contact us with your name and order email when you want to exchange different size or color within three days. If you want to exchange other styles, you have to pay price spread. Also you must contact our cusomer service, they will help you. All exchange products, must keep their original condition, and are not worn, altered or washed, with all tags attached. You have to pay restocking fee, shipping fee and handling fee as well.
Refund Policy
If you want to refund your order, please contact our customer service after you order within 6 hours, before item(s) are shipped out. So sorry that we can’t refund order when package is on way. Once the refund is processed, it usually takes around 2-4 weeks for the amount to show on your account. Thank you for your understand. If you insist to refund your order, please observe our refund policy.
In order to ensure your befits, please make sure to keep your order information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Please contact our Customer Service at to get the return address and don’t return the item to the address listed on our webiste.